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WARNING: oradism did not start up correctly.

June 19, 2012


Recently when i am working on solaris 10 i got the below alert while cloning database. Resolution is as follows.

WARNING: oradism did not start up correctly.

In diag/rdbms/*/$ORACLE_SID/trace, in thealert_${ORACLE_SID}.log, you may find this message:

WARNING: oradism did not start up correctly.
  Dynamic ISM can not be locked.
oradism creation failed for unknown reasons 0 8 105

This is apparently a bug described in Oracle Metalink 374367.1. By default, the Oracle installer installs the file with ownership oracle:oinstall and mode 0750. It needs to be suid root, sgid dba. The solution is to perform the following steps (as root):

$ cd $ORACLE_HOME/bin
$ chown root:dba oradism
$ chmod 6550 oradism

Then, restart the database.

Categories: 11g